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Emotional intelligence

How to recognize and develop the 3 key soft skills at work

eye 844 Mise à jour le 19 Aug. 2022
tag ##Emotionalintelligence ##SkillDevelopment #HR advice

Having professional skills is one thing, knowing how to manage your emotions and relationships with colleagues in the workplace is quite another. Indeed, it isn’t in the interest of a company to recruit a candidate that nobody likes to work with, but looks great on paper. So, what are the soft skills important in a professional setting?

The 3 essential soft skills at work


Each person has assets that set them apart from others and makes them unique. For some of us, identifying our special talent is not easy. However, this is essential to recognize one's value and to value oneself with others! This ability to value ourselves is called "self-esteem". Having good self-esteem involves being aware of your strengths and accept your weaknesses.

How to develop it?

By becoming aware of what makes you unique and by highlighting your strengths, such as asking yourself: "what value can I add to this situation?". For example, more introverted personalities will hardly speak in public, but would, however, show great imagination, rigour or perhaps have a more refined way of synthesizing information. 

A good way to work on your self-esteem is to think about 5 things that make you proud of yourself every day. It can help you change your state of mind and the way you look at yourself.

Finally, for the managers reading, show recognition of your employees’ positive traits. Do not hesitate, as it will increase the self-esteem of your team and help it gain self-confidence.


As a soft skill, adaptability is greatly appreciated by recruiters. It refers to the ability of an individual to easily adapt to any new environment or situations. In addition to improving the atmosphere at work, this soft skill allows everyone to welcome a change or a difficult situation with composure.

How to develop it?

Begin with changing your habits: change your routine, start new activities, change the layout of your office, etc. It is necessary to question yourself on a daily basis, listening to advice that is given to you. Valid or not, each advice must be reviewed with an open mind.

Finally, do not hesitate to "look through the eyes" of 3 people close to you (spouse, manager, friend ...) and try to put yourself in their shoes. How would they solve the problem at hand?  Why not try it that way yourself? Alternatively, you can also think of 5 reasons why others might react differently than you. It helps to open one's mind to other ways of doing things and reduces the judgment of other people.

Controlling emotions

Managing emotions helps to create a healthy work environment. Whether it involves coping with anger, stress or anxiety, it is essential that a colleague knows how to express his / her emotions in an appropriate manner.

How to develop it?

Breathing techniques are well known and widely accepted, for controlling your emotions. Abdominal breathing is highly effective for re-establishing full control on an overwhelming feeling.

Mindfulness is also a powerful tool to help manage your stress. The whole idea is to practice it regularly.

Finally, why not make a list of solutions adapted specifically to your needs? Ask yourself: "Why do I feel this?", "In what other situation have I felt the same feeling?," “How did I handle the situation? "," How could I handle it differently? " The idea here is to brainstorm with yourself, be introspective, and find solutions to better manage the next uncomfortable situations you will meet.

Unlike traits related to personality, technical skills, or language, soft skills are malleable. Indeed, these are skills that can always be acquired and developed.

Emotional intelligence is, therefore, an essential factor in anticipating a candidate's ability to integrate with a company and flourish within it. In order to meet current market demand, If you want to evaluate your emotional abilities, Central Test's assessment EMOTION 2 measures 15 factors related to emotional intelligence in the workplace and gives you a reliable analysis of your social and emotional skills.

Kate Gatens

Content Manager

Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Communication and Marketing, Kate is in charge of the Editorial Strategy in Central Test. She is passionate about literature, communication, and new tech.

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