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Psychometric Tests

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Professional Profile 2

Professional Profile 2 is a personality assessment that analyses the traits that influence an individual's behaviour and performance at work.

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Big Five Profile

Big Five Profile is a personality assessment measuring five major personality traits based on the Five Factor model. It can be applied to all individuals, including young people.

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ETIX is a groundbreaking assessment designed to evaluate the likelihood of individuals engaging in counterproductive work behaviour.

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Work Profile

WORK PROFILE is a personality assessment that measures an individual’s personality especially for recruitment in entry-level and operational roles.

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AVATAR is a personality questionnaire that allows you to better understand the impact of personality types on the behaviour of your employees and your team's dynamics.

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CTPI-R analyses 19 personality traits of good managers to give a complete profile of how your leaders think, act, and react to different situations.

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Sales Profile-R

Sales Profile-R identifies the potential, competencies and motivations needed to succeed in sales. Can be used in recruitment, internal mobility or training.

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The Entrepreneur Test identifies the necessary skills and entrepreneurial characteristics needed to start a new venture.

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MOTIVATION+ test is specially designed to understand the “drivers” that propel a person's energy at work and contribute to their engagement.

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VOCATION is designed to be used in a wide spectrum of career guidance activities. It helps candidates choose an occupation, plan their career, and grow as professionals.

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Reasoning Test-R

Reasoning Test-R evaluates cognitive abilities like logical thinking, numerical analysis, verbal communication that is required to perform in a professional environment.

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GAAT – Critical Thinking

Le test de raisonnement critique GAAT mesure 4 aptitudes spécifiques : évaluation des arguments, analyse critique, raisonnement déductif et raisonnement inductif.

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REASONING-SPATIAL measures the spatial reasoning abilities of an individual and offers a reliable estimation of his ability to combine concepts based on projective skills.

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SMART is an adaptive module of reasoning tests designed to measure an individual’s specific reasoning skills useful in problem-solving, learning and decision-making.

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Emotion 2.1

EMOTION 2.1 measures 15 factors based on Goleman’s theory and provides a more nuanced picture of emotional and social capabilities.

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