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Legal Notice

Central Test is a registered trademark.

The Central Test website is accessible at and related domains:


Access to and use of the website are subject to the "Legal notice" detailed below, and the laws and /or regulations applicable in the European Union. Our partners and our subsidiaries located outside the European Union, in countries that do not have an adequate level of protection, are contractually committed to respecting the European principles of personal data protection.

The following companies are members of Central Test Group:

Central Test Europe –Paris,
France Central Test UK- London, United Kingdom
Central Test Middle East – Dubai, UAE
Central Test Africa – Antananarivo, Madagascar
Central Test Asia – Bangalore, India

This legal notice shall be written in several languages but only the French version shall prevail in case of dispute.

1 - Legal Information

The publisher of the website is Central Test, which ensures it’s design, implementation, technical integration, and maintenance.

28, boulevard de la Bastille
75012 Paris, France
Tél. : +33 (0)1 46 59 00 00
SAS registered with the Registry of Trade and Companies of Paris: RCS Paris B 441 914 272
SIRET: 441914272 00048
VAT: FR 81441914272

The publishing director of the site is Patrick LEGUIDE as the legal representative of the company Central Test.

Website Hosting

Google Cloud - Belgium Internet :

2 - Accessibility and responsibility

The Website is normally accessible to users 24/24h and 7/7 days a week. This may be interrupted, scheduled or not, as a result of maintenance needs, or in the case of unforeseeable circumstances. In such cases, when it is impossible to access the website, Central Test commits to doing its utmost to restore access to it’s users. Although Central Test strives to provide reliable content on its website, it does not guarantee that it’s website is free of inaccuracies, typographical errors, omissions and / or viruses.
Central Test reserves the right at any time, and without notice, to make improvements and / or modifications to the content of it’s website.

Central Test cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the site, whatever the cause. In particular, it cannot be responsible for falsification or fraudulent access to data and/or accidental transmission through viruses. Likewise, the responsibility of Central Test will not be implicated due to breakdowns and technical problems concerning hardware, software and software or the Internet may lead to the suspension or cessation of the service.

3 - Data collection and confidentiality

This Website is registered with the "Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés" - CNIL under no 1834067.
To meet the demands of visitors to this website, we may ask them to provide us with personal data.
Central Test is firmly committed to safeguarding the privacy of it’s website visitors, t from taking responsibility of the information it collects, to ensuring that it is in compliance with privacy legislation, worldwide.

Information is confidential and cannot be sold to a third party. In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Legislation, you have a right to access, rectify, modify and delete personal data that you have communicated to us. This right is exercised by sending a letter to:

Central Test
28, boulevard de la Bastille
75012 Paris, France
For detailed information on the collection and processing of collected data, please see our "Data protection and cookies charter".

4 - Copyright and Intellectual Property

All the elements, including, in particular, the software, structures, data, texts, graphics, images, sounds, videos, logos, symbols, code html- appearing on this website, constitute a private property within the meaning of articles L. 111.1 and following of the Intellectual Property Code, and are the exclusive property of Central Test. Consequently, any reproduction of these, total or partial, or imitation, without the prior written agreement of Central Test, is prohibited and could be the subject of legal proceedings.

5 - External links

Central Test has no control over the content of third-party sites. The existence of a hypertext link between the Central Test website and a third-party site does not mean that Central Test assumes any guarantee or accepts any responsibility concerning its content or the use that may be made of it, or the operation and access to it. Affiliated or non-affiliated sites are subject to their own terms of use and protection of personal data.

6 - Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This website is governed by French law. By express agreement, any dispute will be submitted in the absence of amicable agreement between the Parties, to the Commercial Court of PARIS, to which it is attributed territorial jurisdiction, regardless of the place of use of products, performance of services or home defendant.


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