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Recruitment tips

Attracting talent: 6 tips for building your employer brand

eye 293 Published on 06 Feb. 2023
tag #HR advice

One of the key issues in recruitment is not only to attract candidates who are like you, but also to keep them. But how? By working on your employer brand, of course! Here are our 6 tips for doing so.

Have you ever heard of employer branding? Quite simply, it's the image of a company to its current and future employees. It encompasses all the branding issues that relate to recruitment and human resources. And having a good employer brand can't be improvised. Fortunately, we have some tips on how to build and develop your brand to attract - and retain! - new talent. Follow the guide.

1 - One person's values make another person's values

It's 2023: we want the real thing! The proof? According to a study conducted by the HR consultancy Korn Ferry in 2018, 70% of candidates believe that the company's values are an important factor in their decision to apply for a job (Global Talent Trends, Korn Ferry, 2018). It is therefore out of the question to take the subject over the leg. Values are supported by the company, transmitted with the vision and lived out daily by employees. To define or challenge them, do not hesitate to ask your employees.

This can be done through an annual meeting with the management teams, or through regular internal HR surveys to ensure that everyone is moving in the same direction. You can also set up a welcome booklet, given out at the time of onboarding, which summarises your values clearly. Also, make them available on an internal space accessible to all, such as an intranet, and encourage actions that embody them. An internal table football tournament? Why not! An ugly Christmas jumper day? Go for it! Setting up a sponsorship scheme for new arrivals? Of course! 

2 - Use your (social) networks 

With social networks, everything goes faster, everything goes further, and above all: everything is a way to get involved. Online, in real life, professionally, personally... it is our ideals that guide us, more and more. So don't skimp on your online activity. Appear on the right channels (LinkedIn, Welcome to the Jungle, Instagram, etc) and make sure you adapt your content to the chosen platform. This is an additional showcase, an additional way to share your values and the way you decide to embody them on a daily basis. And even to have them embodied! Testimonials from your employees, video reports on each team, following a new employee during his or her first few days... Your behind-the-scenes information is of interest to your candidates, so go for it.

3 - Crystal clear recruitment

A little mental exercise: think about your candidate experience. Got it, got it in your head? That's fine. So, between us... Have you really worked on it? The idea here is to leave nothing to chance, from the first contact to the signing of the employment contract. Talent should get everything they need to understand the company, the organisation of the teams and the tasks they will be asked to perform. The HR teams need these exchanges to avoid mistakes as much as possible and to ensure that the candidates are compatible with the company.

Because the objective is simple: you want to attract the right talent. The ones who fit your values and vision! Clearly communicate your corporate culture, your ambitions, your working conditions. And, above all: set up a non-discriminatory and objective process. Take into account the candidate's personality and do not turn your back on atypical profiles that do not tick every box. Allow yourself to meet someone who does not have the required level of education, or who does not have the required experience. Take an interest in the "soft skills" of each individual. Enrich your teams with different profiles, which will complement each other and help each other to improve. 

4 - From candidate to employee, from collaborator to ambassador

Who better than your employees... to talk about you, their working conditions, the company's values, what really goes on behind the scenes? Spoiler: nobody! Bad news? On the contrary. That's the whole point of a successful employee experience and a good employer brand. If you manage to have a positive impact on the quality of life at work (organisation of time, services, open space) and to put people at the centre of your concerns, then you will have succeeded in your mission.

Indeed, the attachment to a team or a work environment does not disappear when you leave the company. Many former employees who are satisfied with their experience in a company will not fail to contribute to its attractiveness by becoming true ambassadors. So, don't hesitate: talk to your teams. Offer them quality onboarding, a real integration process, a personalised and individual follow-up... All these actions will encourage their motivation and commitment to the job.

5 - Together we go further 

Did you know that? You rarely leave a bad job, but very often a bad manager. Take the time to evaluate the managerial potential of your candidates and consolidate a team of managers who share your values and those of your company. Their role will be to allow your (future) talents to be recognised for their uniqueness. This is quite possible with tools like 360 Feedback, perfect for identifying team strengths and nurturing a feedback culture. Because your employees need recognition and appreciation to move forward. They will be attentive to and motivated by the prospects for development that you offer them. So above all: support them in this sense!

Show them that their progress is important to you and that you want to see them move up within the company. Put employee development at the centre of your concerns. Encourage managers to set up regular one-to-one meetings with their team members to listen to their needs and desires. In this way, you will allow all your employees to feel useful, whilst creating a friendly and benevolent atmosphere. What more could you ask for?

6 - Adapt your conditions without conditions (or almost)

We know: the health crisis has completely changed our working habits. But what if there was a positive side to it? After all, what could be better than being able to adapt to change? Listen to your employees' stresses and worries, hear their demands. You will find that you can often offer them a suitable solution without having to rethink your entire operation! The prospect of developing in balanced working conditions adapted to the environment, current events and above all to their needs, will make the difference in the eyes of a talent. This will strongly contribute to their commitment, right from their very first contact with you.

As you can see, there are many factors involved in attracting new talent and making them want to work with you. What is important to remember? Your values are the basis of everything. Work on them, question them regularly, and show it in your actions; your employer brand will only be better! 

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