"How are you?" You must have heard this question at least once a day from your colleagues. Yet, most of us respond with a simple "Good, and you?", even when things aren't going well. Perhaps you wanted to say that you're struggling to concentrate, feeling irritable, and tired, where even a simple "I'm fine" takes a lot of energy.
Workplace stress is common but, in small doses, can be beneficial. It has the potential to enhance your focus, productivity, and motivation.
However, if the stress persists, it can negatively impact your health, well-being and productivity.
Good stress? Bad stress?
Stress is a response to a stimulus which is often perceived negatively. But it can also be seen in a positive light.
Positive stress, or eustress, is a form of stress that is perceived as stimulating. It motivates us, helps us concentrate, achieve our goals, and excel. For example, if you're stressed about a sports competition, this stress can motivate you to train harder and perform your best.
Negative stress, also known as distress, is a form of stress that can be harmful to our physical and mental well-being. It demotivates us and prevents us from concentrating, making decisions and performing better. For instance, if you're stressed about a difficult economic situation, this stress can affect your sleeping and thinking.
The Role of Motivation in Stress Management
Motivation is influenced by various factors such as physical well-being, mental health and social satisfaction. In pursuit of well-being, we inevitably encounter stress due to our expectations and those imposed by our environment.
Studies show that individuals with a life purpose generally have better psychological well-being and fewer depressive symptoms. Thus, when an individual is highly motivated to achieve their goal, stress can be more easily overcome.
Motivation plays a key role in stress management, offering a pathway to face challenges. It can help you to:
Develop coping strategies: Coping strategies are mechanisms you use to deal with stress. When motivated, you are more likely to develop effective coping strategies to manage stress.
Reduce your exposure to stress: When motivated, you are more likely to take steps to reduce your exposure to stress. For example, you may learn to say no to demands that stress you out, or you may opt for a job or work environment that is less stressful.
Methods to Boost Motivation
There are many ways to boost your motivation. Here are our tips:
Set clear and achievable goals: When you have goals to reach, you are more likely to stay motivated. Your goals should be clear, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
Reward yourself for your achievements: When you reach a goal, give yourself a small reward. This will help you maintain your motivation and feel good about yourself.
Surround yourself with positive people: Positive people can inspire and motivate you. Spend time with people who support and believe in you.
Remember that you have the power to stay motivated, so set sail and navigate confidently through your environment.