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Recruitment tips

Recruitment: 5 tips for improving the candidate experience

eye 365 Published on 24 Oct. 2023
tag #HR advice

In a world where technology is increasingly taking hold in the field of human resources, recruitment processes can sometimes seem to become industrialised, and candidates risk feeling drowned in an ocean of profiles.This trend has intensified over the years, with candidates sometimes feeling dehumanised and HR professionals appearing overwhelmed.

However, the candidate experience is a significant issue because it directly impacts a company's employer brand and its ability to attract the best talent. This key issue goes well beyond the simple consideration of applications because it encompasses the discussion around motivations, values ​​and even the affirmation of soft skills.

In this article, we'll explore five essential tips for providing a smooth and rewarding candidate experience, regardless of the outcome of the recruiting process.

1. Focus on transparency and clarity of processes

One of the biggest concerns for candidates is the length of the recruitment process. No one likes to wait weeks or even months for a response. Except in areas where security is critical, and processes can sometimes be lengthy, recruitment processes should generally be transparent and timely, with deadlines communicated upfront.

Candidates, especially new generations like millennials and Generation Z, expect a constructive response within a reasonable time frame, usually a week maximum. Transparency is not limited to this aspect: it is essential to explain the different stages of the process to candidates and inform them of their status at each stage. This shows that you consider them and value their time.

2. Take care of the company presentation, whatever the outcome

During an interview, the candidate must make a good impression. But so does the company! We are no longer just talking about highlighting fun benefits, like table tennis and games in the break room: the candidate must come out of the process with a good impression of the company, even if they are not selected. This is a crucial point to take into account when we know that according to a very recent study (1), only 32% of candidates have a “positive” or “very positive” view of recruiters.

Word of mouth and the power of social media should not be underestimated.
A recent example shows us the importance of this approach: a stuttering candidate was interviewed by recruiters who had a fit of laughter during the interview without apologising afterwards. This experience generated a flood of negative comments about the company on social networks, illustrating the power of candidate experience on the company's reputation.
In a general context where the balance of power is reversing between candidates and companies, it is all the more important today to take care of one's image during the processes.

One of the first objectives set to maintain popularity with candidates, even if it appears utopian for some recruiters, is the famous 1 application = one answer. In the age of AI and algorithms, no more excuses! There are many tools to help optimise your application response time without their use being to the detriment of the candidate experience.

3. Promote inbound recruitment

Behind this term hides a principle that is quite simple. Inbound recruitment involves attracting candidates directly using the strength of your networks and reputation. Candidates are increasingly tired of receiving requests from all sides.
To attract the best talent, you must, therefore, be attractive. This can involve your authenticity by highlighting the internal life of the company. This communication is all the more credible if it is relayed by your own employees, who thus become ambassadors for your company. This is part of the general concept of “employee advocacy”.

4. Use psychometric assessments

The use of psychometric assessments can greatly improve the recruitment process by eliminating many cognitive biases. They make it possible to go beyond the CV by presenting the profile of candidates via objective data to different internal stakeholders without requiring new video conferences. For the candidate who has taken the assessments and consulted their report, it is an excellent way to know their position in relation to the expectations of the position and to understand their areas of improvement. They will then better understand the decisions made by the person in charge of recruitment.

This also allows recruiters to demonstrate to candidates that they offer fair and non-discriminatory processes. In this sense, you can opt for structured interviews using, in particular, pre-recorded video interview tools. Reasoning and personality assessments also provide relevant objective data to help make recruitment decisions.

5. Master your processes

Finally, to rethink the candidate experience, you must fully master your recruitment organisation. Adapt and spread out your recruitment to avoid being overwhelmed and guarantee the process's quality. The evaluation of candidates should not be reduced to a simple ranking, and it is essential to use the appropriate tools at each stage while preserving an element of humanity.
Even if pressure from management can sometimes weigh on HR departments regarding recruitment deadlines, it is important to remember the cost and damage that a recruitment error can cause by a rushed or poorly structured process is far more damaging!
You will then be able to offer candidates a more pleasant overall experience, giving you time to make informed choices, particularly with periods of reflection at each stage, for you and the candidate!


Guilhem Hoblea

Marketing & Content Project Officer - Central Test

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