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Talent Management

Personalising employee trainings to match their preferences

eye 70 Published on 19 Apr. 2022
tag ##TalentManagement

“Tell me and I forget; teach me and I may remember; involve me and I learn.”
Benjamin Franklin

Context is key and from that comes the understanding of everything, or at least, in this case, the necessity of an individual-focused or tailored training technique. Adapting training methods to match employee's personality and interests is of consequential significance today, whilst circumventing the conspicuous repetition of a ubiquitous training technique. But before we get into the why and how, let us begin by setting the stage.

Where are we? In the theatre of a fast-paced, tech-focused competitive business environment.
Who we are? Artists who perform the critical role of shaping development and progress among their people.
What do we want to accomplish? An observable and reliable art form that paves the road for our people to learn and be inspired in a preferential, personalised way.
What do we want to steer clear of? Impersonalised training methodologies that overwhelm, discourage, and dishearten our people.

In this theatre or business environment, as the casting director or talent development strategist, it behoves one to utilise a robust approach that involves the actor (just as our ally, Benjamin Franklin rightly said) or individual right from the get-go i.e. the right role or training format needs to be assigned to the right actor or employee. As the casting director, if one fails to understand the requirements of the role, and the strengths and challenges of the employee, neither the theatre (i.e. the business) nor the actor (i.e. the employee) will succeed.

But as a talent development strategist, why is a tailored training technique so essential?
Just like a casting director does not look for commonalities but rather for the uniqueness in an actor, a one-size-fits-all or generic training approach is no longer a winning performance methodology for a talent development strategist or for the employees they cater to. Impersonalised training methodologies cannot and do not meet what the current workplace and its employees demand i.e. tailored training and development of behaviours and competencies via a flexible, on-demand methodology across platforms of choice.

So what does a tailored training technique look like?
Let us do this by creating the scene and looking at who our actors are.

Scene: Each employee learns best under specific conditions, and these conditions are impacted by their personality, interests, and styles. A training format that incorporates these principles generates a wholesome setting that allows the actor to confidently play their role.

If the act / play was based on a group of friends who overcome all odds and come out stronger and closer (clichéd, we know but similar to how employees need to learn, reskill or upskill, to work together efficiently, despite any challenges, to broaden the business’ impact), it is crucial to understand the actor’s (or employee’s) background, characteristics, likes, dislikes and accordingly cast them for a particular role (or adopt a training that matches the employee’s specific combination of behaviours and inclinations).

Actors: Ash, Cardinal, and Steel

So, as a talent development strategist, if we know who our employees truly are, then our training can be adapted to match them as this will also ensure that they remain encouraged, supported, and equipped to respond confidently.

If one needs assistance in understanding their employees (better) to personalise the training approaches, here is a pro tip - Reap the perks of talent (or) psychometric assessment solutions.
[A talent (or) psychometric assessment solution measures a range of traits, skills, preferences, and aptitudes objectively, to ascertain an individual’s ability to perform well in a role or within an organisation.]
A talent assessment solution offers many distinct advantages, in bringing to life a personalised training approach -
1. It picks out the personality or traits that make an individual unique.
2. It pinpoints the interests and preferences of an employee.
3. It catalogues efficiently an individual’s strengths and challenges.
4. It provides clear direction for the critical focus areas of employee training.

A psychometric solution blends the depth of insight gained from the above-mentioned indicators to deliver that customised training format for the individual while simultaneously taking into consideration the role the employee plays in the organisation.

Now, let’s see what are some of the must-have features to personalise a training programme for our employees (i.e. actors) Ash, Cardinal and Steel.

From the extent of information gathered (with the aid of a personality and interest-based talent assessment solution) or based on what we already know,

  • Ash is creative, expressive, and introspective;

and therefore would have a higher preference, motivation as well as learning tendency when the training -
1. allows him to have an impact on the course of action
2. presents him opportunities to innovate
3. offers circumstances for him to introspect on the learning journey
4. provides complex assignments for him to strive towards

If you are “Ash” or have come across someone like “Ash” at the workplace, here is a pro tip to guarantee that the training is engaging and effective - ensure that the programme does not have too many structures in place and allows room for flexibility while including elements of artistry and creativity. 

  • Cardinal is structured, accurate, and persistent;

and therefore would have a higher preference, motivation as well as learning tendency when the training -
1. allows her to follow a well-organised plan
2. presents her opportunities that have a practical aspect
3. offers circumstances that permit her to persist despite impediments
4. provides assignments that warrant delving into its finer points

If you are “Cardinal” or have come across someone like “Cardinal” at the workplace, here is a pro tip to guarantee that the training is engaging and effective - ensure that the programme has clearly defined procedures and allows room to get into the details while including elements of data and quantification. 

  • Steel is friendly, helpful, and outgoing;

and therefore would have a higher preference, motivation as well as learning tendency when the training -
1. allows him to gain insight into the ideals of the programme
2. presents him opportunities to train others
3. offers circumstances where he can learn in a group setting
4. provides assignments that have a facet of social responsibility

If you are “Steel” or have come across someone like “Steel” at the workplace, here is a pro tip to guarantee that the training is engaging and effective - ensure that the programme has a people-oriented feature and allows room to take up responsibility while including elements of dissemination via verbal means. 

We have now come to the end of our show and to wrap it up, a few last words -
Being aware of how effectual learning takes place is the elemental first step to a powerful and prosperous training gameplay, whether one is the casting director or an actor; and talent assessment solutions, in this respect, function as the support equipment that steers as well as bolsters success, whilst embodying the individual’s and organisation’s necessities.

Diksha Unni

Assistant R&D Manager & Senior Consultant, Central Test

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