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Motivation et engagement

The 3 Best Strategies to Boost Your Employees' Engagement

eye 403 Mise à jour le 23 Jan. 2024
tag #Motivation

In the context of rapid transformations and increased competition, successful companies are those that can rely on engaged employees. An engaged employee gives 100% in their work, go beyond their duties, gives their best, and is ready to make extra efforts to contribute to the company's success.

So, how can we engage employees today? What strategies should be implemented to retain them? Let's discuss three key strategies in this article to increase employee engagement.

1. Develop a Strong Corporate Culture

A company's values form the foundation of its culture and identity, guiding behaviours, decisions, and actions at all levels. A strong corporate culture is built on shared values that are celebrated and embraced daily. It is essential for the company's management to be directly involved in this process, embodying the values and integrating them into all the company's strategies and actions. For instance, if innovation is a core value, the company could encourage creative initiatives through innovation contests or by allocating time for personal projects.

When employees work in an environment that reflects their values, they are naturally more engaged. According to a Deloitte study, 73% of employees who feel they work for a "values-driven" company show a high level of engagement. When a company's culture aligns with employees' personal values, they feel more at home in the company. This heightened sense of connection motivates them to work with greater enthusiasm and commitment to their mission. This, in turn, translates into increased productivity and enhanced performance.

2. Effectively Meet Employees' Needs

Employees' needs go beyond salary and traditional benefits. They include work-life balance, professional development, recognition, and a healthy work environment. The significance of the nature of the work itself and the potential for engaging and meaningful tasks is equally crucial in determining an employee's level of engagement and tenure in a position.

To understand these needs, it's essential to go beyond satisfaction surveys and perks like foosball and ping pong tables; giving employees a voice is essential.

In this era of social interaction and sharing, there is nothing more rewarding for an employee than feeling heard and having the opportunity to express themselves, even if they do not hold a position of responsibility. By sharing their ideas, progress, and successes, employees are witnesses to success. They serve as your organisation's most effective advocates, humanising the company and enhancing its external visibility. By taking into account their individual needs, employees feel valued and understood. This leads to an increase in motivation, job satisfaction, and, consequently, increased productivity. According to Gallup's study, companies with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable.

3. Give Importance to Meaning in Work

In the past, employers sought to "retain" staff. Today, the power has shifted. The company must ensure that its employees want to invest and give their best to the organisation. They must actively participate in their employees' development by supporting their quest for meaning. When employees find meaning in their work, their level of engagement and job satisfaction significantly improves.

The role of leaders remains significant. Managers who lead by example and encourage innovation instil a sense of purpose and accomplishment among employees. Many companies fail to create a sense of engagement among their employees because they focus on quantitative goals at the expense of the company's vision and mission. They neglect to make their employees feel they are part of a larger, meaningful project.

A job perceived as meaningful is a key factor in employee retention. According to a study by Meaning and Purpose at Work, employees who find meaning in their work are three times more likely to stay with their company. Employee retention today requires a holistic approach adapted to current needs that goes beyond traditional strategies.

There is also no one-size-fits-all miracle solution, but by implementing strategies focused on values and corporate culture, meeting the diversified needs of employees, and nurturing their search for meaning, you are laying the foundation for strengthening engagement and satisfaction within your company.

Lucia Mititel

Communication & Marketing Director - Central Test

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