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Webinars | 09 Jan. 2025
Annual reviews : develop your employees' skills

Annual appraisal interviews are not just a formality. They can become a real opportunity to enhance the value of your teams, assess skills and define perspectives that will stimulate performance and commitment.

Webinars | 14 Jun. 2023
Human-centric Leadership: The Way Forward

Join us on Thursday, 6th July, at 11:30 CEST to discuss and know more about how ‘Human-centric Leadership’ can work for your organisation. Learn how to inspire and engage your team and discover strategies for leading with confidence and impact.

Webinars | 25 Apr. 2023
Quiet Hiring: Empowering existing talent

The persistent issue of talent shortage leads to a need for more skilled employees, which organisations try to combat by focusing on employee retention while cutting operational costs.

Webinars | 15 Feb. 2023
How neuroscience helps you make better recruitment decisions

To make better choices in recruitment or any other area of activity, it is essential to understand how the brain works and how it affects job performance. This is why we believe that neuroscience is the future of recruitment!

Webinars | 05 Jan. 2023
360° Feedback in action: a successful implementation in 5 concrete steps

The 360° assessment is one of the most powerful tools for bringing out the potential of employees and targeting their development needs. Unfortunately, this particular assessment technique still seems to be underestimated as only 25% of companies say they are actually using it. 

Webinars | 02 Dec. 2022
How to recruit and retain talent in 2023?

Whether it's about upgrading recruitment processes, strengthening coaching and training methods, or integrating employee engagement strategies to improve employee experience, traditional strategies no longer help to weather the storm.

Webinars | 09 Nov. 2022
Quiet Quitting: Rethinking employee engagement

After the Great Resignation, it is the Silent Resignation, also known as Quiet Quitting, that is unfolding in this post-pandemic world of work. 80% of individuals have a negative perspective about the Silent Resignation, and it indeed reflects a reality we must face.

Webinars | 30 Nov. 2021
How to create an Impactful Annual Review

In this webinar our experts will help you understand what goes into creating an impactful Annual Review, so that both the organisation and the employee feel empowered by making meaningful decisions based on robust data.


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