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Analyse key motivators and job satisfaction with MOTIVATION

eye 690 Published on 01 Sep. 2020
tag #New products

Now more than ever, ensuring that employees stay motivated and engaged is a sine qua non for the success of any business.

In order to meet this challenge, the new MOTIVATION assessment from Central Test makes it possible to analyse the key motivators linked to with degree of satisfaction at work. The test is based on the “Munster Work value Measure” model, according to which an individual's behaviors, choices and attitudes are influenced by ther values ​​and motivations.

Features of the new MOTIVATION assessment:

  • Analysis of 15 key motivation levers linked to work, ​​with levels of satisfaction.
  • Shorter questionnaire, with 41 questions, answerable in less than 15 minutes.
  • Reliability and scientific validity, which eliminates any bias related to gender and culture.
  • Matching with job roles, skills and company values ​​(via Talent Map)
  • Summaried profile-view with personalised comments and areas for improvement.

Context of use:

  • Recruitment: check levers of the motivations compatible with job description and working environment.
  • Career management and mobility: offer a reliable diagnosis of the levers of motivation and levels of satisfaction of your employees.
  • Prevention of psychosocial risks: preparing a courses of action to reduce employee stress, counter-productive behavior, and improve overall employee engagement.



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