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Potential identification

Potential identification | 15 May. 2024
6 Creative Interview Questions to Uncover Top Talent

By asking questions that break away from the traditional framework and push candidates out of their comfort zones, recruiters can more effectively tap into their creative potential.

Potential identification | 29 Aug. 2023
The importance of soft skills in technical profiles

IT developers, engineers or maintenance technicians: technical profiles have a number of traits in common. They are generally technology enthusiasts who are passionate about their job, but whose personal qualities are often undervalued by recruiters.

Potential identification | 13 Jul. 2023
Introverts at work: do you know their hidden skills?

Contrary to popular belief, extroversion is not always the key to success in the workplace. Introverts can be a huge asset to your workplace. Read how to embrace the power of your introverted workforce!

Potential identification | 20 Jun. 2023
AVATAR, the typology tool that reveals our affinities

I am different from others. Of course, we are all different from others. But I am even more unique. On the MBTI personality test, I have the rarest profile: only 1.5% of people on the planet are like me. The same goes for the AVATAR typological test, where I am among the 2% of the least common profiles.

Potential identification | 06 Jun. 2023
4 tips for recruiting a tech profile in 2023

Tech profiles are not easily recruited, and the candidates maintain very specific expectations and requirements. As part of the 88% of companies, are you looking to recruit these profiles? A brief overview of some points to keep in mind to attract tech talents to your teams!

Potential identification | 16 Feb. 2023
Understanding Personality Types with AVATAR

Personality type-based assessments aim to bring the individual’s true self to light rather than seeking to compare them with others. Through the discovery of our personality type, we become more aware of how we operate, allowing us to make full use of our strengths.

Potential identification | 01 Feb. 2022
How personality tests help in improving self-knowledge

What does self-knowledge really mean? How objectively can we answer the question "who am I?" Do personality tests help in improving self-knowledge ? If you have ever asked yourself these questions, you have already started the path to self-knowledge. In this article, we try to provide some answers to these fairly simple, but essentially deep questions.

Potential identification | 18 Jan. 2022
Hiring right by looking at the right skills

Most companies today focus on hiring the right talent for a given job. While companies invest a lot in background checks and getting the structure of the interview right to find the right talent, many tend to miss out on using a data-driven approach for their hiring process.

Potential identification | 31 Jan. 2019
How to identify your high-potential employees?

Ideally, organisations would want all their employees to work at their full potential and contribute equally. But research shows that the long-term success of an organisation is driven and sustained by a select few high-potential employees or HiPos. High-potential employees deliver two to six times the return of average players.*

Potential identification | 19 Sep. 2016
RIASEC in depth, part 6: Are your employees Conventional?

Conventional employees are often seen as traditional, ones who like to follow the routine, and avoid work that does not have clear directions. But a Conventional employee is more than that. In the workplace, the Conventional personality types keep the things running smoothly and take the organization to the next level. You will find that some of your most efficient and dependable finance personnel, administrators and technical writers are Conventional.

Potential identification | 17 Jun. 2016
RIASEC in depth, part 5: Are your employees Enterprising?

An enterprising person is defined by the dictionary as resourceful, bold and initiative — But an Enterprising personality defined by RIASEC model is much more than that. Holland’s RIASEC model puts forward that personality is key to understand work interests and it divides people into six personality-based groups, one of them being Enterprising. He also states that individuals belonging to these personality groups have a preference for certain types of tasks and interactional styles, knowledge of which shall allow you to quickly determine any individual’s career fit.

Potential identification | 03 May. 2016
RIASEC in depth, part 4: Are your employees Social?

What do you think of when you hear the words “a Social employee”? Someone who’s always suggesting after-work drinks or chatting with friends and colleagues? Who cheers you up on a Monday morning, but stresses you out when you need everyone focused on their work?

Potential identification | 31 Mar. 2011
How to Avoid Interpretation Errors?

In the world of personality testing, there are no right or wrong answers. To make an accurate interpretation of a person's responses, evaluators should consider six essential points.


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