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Learning ability | 11 Apr. 2019

Candidate Experience Vs Test Reliability

Now more than ever, candidate experience is in the driver's seat with respect to the selection of appropriate pre-hire assessment tools. The onboarding process…

Employee Well-being | 21 Aug. 2018
How to recruit motivated people?

Today, what motivates us to go to work is a subtle combination of internal factors, such as the meaning we give to what we do, as well as external factors,…

Psychometric tests | 11 Oct. 2017
Psychometrics: Assessing the Business Case

The use of robustly designed psychometric tests provides valuable insights into individuals and their capabilities, but implementing them into an organisation’…

Employee Well-being | 04 Apr. 2017
5 Ways to Deal with Work Stress

Stress, especially work-related stress, can have a major impact on an individual’s mindset and well-being.