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Recruitment tips

Writing a compelling job offer in 6 steps

eye 181 Mise à jour le 05 Mar. 2024
tag #HR advice

Writing a job offer can seem like a routine task, but in reality, it's a crucial strategic skill in the arsenal of any human resources professional. In 2024, the recruitment landscape demands clarity, precision, and attractiveness in every listing more than ever. Here are six essential tips to ensure your job offer stands out and attracts the best talent.

1.Define the selection criteria

An effective job offer goes beyond listing responsibilities to detail selection criteria. This includes not only the necessary technical skills but also behavioural competencies and values that the candidate should share with your company. Clarifying these expectations helps candidates self-select for the position, thus increasing the quality of applications received. It's also an opportunity to show how you value company culture and personal development.
In the end, although it may seem counterintuitive, don't hesitate to make a long offer! Candidates pay a lot of attention to the different missions, benefits, the team, or the context... So if you have relevant information, it's better not to hold back! You'll save as much time on contextualisation during your interviews.

2.Avoid lingo and vague titles

A clear and lingo-free job title is essential to attract the right candidates. Fancy job titles may seem unique, but they can also cause confusion and deter potential candidates. Using precise and industry-recognised job descriptions improves your offer's ranking in search engines and on job platforms, thus increasing its visibility among qualified candidates.
The little extra tip we give you: think about the algorithms! Trendy titles change constantly, to increase your "reach" research the most searched title by candidates that match your position.

3.Value your company, teams, and the position

Your job offer is a showcase for your company. Take the opportunity to highlight what makes your company unique: company culture, growth opportunities, benefits, and exciting projects. This not only helps attract candidates but also engages them emotionally, increasing their interest in the position.
Candidates are looking more than ever for a career with meaning; show them how they can find that with you. Always ensure to promote authenticity to your teams. The offer should be attractive, but it must also align with your culture and the reality of your company life. In this sense, you can integrate testimonial videos from your collaborators to increase your engagement rate!

4.Specify the selection process

Transparency about the selection process is crucial. By detailing each step, from application to interview to the final decision, you establish a clear and reassuring framework for candidates. This allows them to understand not only the time invested but also the different evaluations they can expect. Such transparency reduces candidate anxiety and increases their confidence in your recruitment process, reflecting positively on your employer brand.

🌟The bonus tip:
From the job offer to psychometric tests - a logical continuity

A well-written job offer is the first step towards a successful recruitment process, but it's just the beginning. The logical continuation of this approach is found in the effective use of psychometric tests. These tools, when applied correctly, can reveal aspects of candidates that CVs and interviews don't always show. They offer a deeper analysis of each candidate's abilities, personality traits, and potentials, ensuring a precise match between the position and the sought-after profile. By integrating these tests as a natural extension of your job offer, you create a more robust and tailored selection process for the unique needs of your organisation.

5.Display the salary range

Talking about money from the get-go may seem delicate, but it's a practice that is gaining popularity and necessity. It's even going to become a requirement from 2025! Taking the lead by displaying a salary range shows that you are open and honest about what you can offer, thereby helping to filter candidates who are searching for or are in that range. This avoids time losses on both sides and positions your company as an entity that respects the expectations of its future employees.
Moreover, since it's not all about money: don't forget to mention the benefits that allow you to retain your employees. And if it still needs to be said, legal obligations (mutual insurance or 50% of the travel pass, for example…) have no place in your list of "super attractive benefits".

6.Use inclusive language

Inclusivity in writing your job offer is more than good practice; it's a necessity to attract a wide range of talents. Language that respects all identities and experiences attracts candidates from diverse backgrounds, enriching your workplace with a variety of perspectives. Avoid terms that could unconsciously deter certain groups of candidates from applying. A conscious effort to be inclusive in your writing demonstrates your company's commitment to diversity and equality.

In 2024, writing an effective job offer requires more than just simple task descriptions and required qualifications. It's a delicate balance between precision, attractiveness, and transparency, all supported by a rigorous selection strategy including psychometric tests. It's today the key to attracting the best talent but also to ensuring a perfect match with the needs of your company.

Guilhem Hoblea

Marketing & Content Project Officer - Central Test

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