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Soft Skills & Hard Skills

Soft-Skills in the age of generative AI: a challenge for all

eye 311 Published on 30 Jan. 2024
tag #HR advice

The advent of generative AI, with technologies like ChatGPT, is revolutionising our way of working. At Central Test, for example, our data scientists have redefined our natural language processing (NLP) program by using ChatGPT to gather data, thereby enhancing the detection of soft-skills in candidates through content expressed via Smart Interview.

This evolution is not confined to specific fields but extends to all professional sectors. For instance, communication, human resources, and marketing, highlighting the increasing importance of these technologies in surpassing our traditional human capabilities.

With this backdrop, it's worth exploring the human qualities required, both individually and collectively, in this creative process of prompt generation.

🔍 Key Soft-skills for the Era of Generative AI

Curiosity and Learning Agility 👨‍🎓: Beyond technical expertise, continual exploration and rapid adaptation to new methods are essential for mastering generative AI.

Global Vision 🌐: Everything starts from a comprehensive view to understand the stakes and targeted objectives before resorting to generative AI. This global vision also involves a synthesis mindset, an overview of the context, for example, for HR to draft an inspiring job offer.

Creativity 💡: Essential for feeding AI with inspired and innovative prompts, based on initial and matured content, creativity is the engine for unique and relevant solutions. Otherwise, you might end up with a bland, generic result, like simply asking to produce an article or post on a given topic.

Critical Thinking 🔎: Using generative AI certainly helps in producing generally relevant content. However, this acceleration in the creative process demands a sharp critical mind to step back and make necessary adjustments.

Meta-Cognition 🧠: This lesser-known soft-skill, revealed by recent research, involves understanding how we think and reflect on our own ways of thinking and executing tasks. It implies introspection and self-criticism.

Analytical Reasoning 🧩: The ability to break down problems and formulate precise prompts is crucial. But reasoning alone is insufficient without a creative and explorative approach.

Team Spirit 👥: Collaboration enriches prompts with diverse perspectives and expertise, essential in complex AI-involved projects.

Self-Esteem 💪: Having confidence in one's abilities and intuitions is critical. Generative AI is artificial and will never replace our judgement and creativity. It should be seen as a means, a tool to be more effective, or even to excel, while remaining in control.

📈 Supporting Collaborators

Managing generative AI is becoming increasingly crucial for organisations. I've observed many apprehensions about this topic, with some collaborators unsure how to proceed or lacking confidence. Doing nothing poses the risk of sticking to outdated practices and losing competitiveness.

Clearly, training, or at least adequate support, is essential today for companies facing this challenge. However, it's no longer about a mere technological tool requiring a few days of training. Support should be part of a continuous approach.

Learning must also be self-driven, exploring one's soft-skills. It's equally interesting for human resources to approach the subject from this angle, facilitating the identification and development of our soft-skills and raising awareness among managers and collaborators to take the plunge.

What other soft-skills or motivations do you see as important around generative AI? And in your opinion, how should we support this historic change within organisations?

Patrick Leguide

CEO, Central Test

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