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Skill development

Skill development | 05 Sep. 2023
How AI is shaping the skills of tomorrow?

We're living in an amazing era where technology, and lately AI applications, are starting to change our daily lives, our society, and, inevitably, the way we work, study, and progress in our careers.

Skill development | 07 Sep. 2021
Acquiring new skills: 3 tips to fast track your learning

With the advent of new technologies, we are expected to work at breakneck speed and demonstrate an unparalleled level of agility. So, to stay competitive, we need to constantly take in new information and hone our ability to learn at a faster rate.

Skill development | 14 Jun. 2017
The Creative Flow: 3 Ways to Unleash Creativity in the Workplace

Creativity is the foundation of every company. Whether it’s a new product, new recruit or new technology, businesses everywhere are always seeking originality. It should come as no surprise therefore that creativity has become a sought-after skill and is now a number one priority in the workplace; but what actually is this creative talent everyone is looking for?

Skill development | 22 May. 2012
Interpersonal skills have become essential for technical professions

IT developers, engineers, maintenance technicians... many technical professionals share many of the same characteristics. They are usually enthusiastic about technology and their work, and their soft skills are often underestimated by recruiters.


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